Geocaching Activity - Friday 31 January 2020 (action required)

In connection with our new Gr. 3 & 4 Unit on Maps and our first Line of Inquiry into interpreting maps, we are planning to go Geocaching! To learn more about Geocaching, please visit this site.

Details: 31 January 2020 from 11:10 - 12:30. Meet at DSKI school building.

Similarly to our family hike at Nunobiki Waterfalls, we would like to extend an invitation to parents, siblings and friends to join us. 
We are looking for some parents who would be able to act as team leaders. You will need to install the geocaching app onto a mobile device, with internet access, ahead of time. Then on the day supervise a small group of learners as the treasure hunt around the island for caches.
Please fill out this form if you will be willing to act as a parent team leader or if you are able to join our exciting activity.


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